Albums, EP's & Singles

Be sure to follow Manny Phesto on all streaming services to stay up to date with singles, collaborations and projects.

Most newer stuff is on the major services but some features and older collaborations are only on Soundcloud and can be found here

New Singles/Collabs

"1:30" Produced by J57


Stream on other services -


"Ashtray" Produced by J57

Stream on other services  -

"Live with That" ft Manny Phesto and "Ain't Even Fair" Ft Manny Phesto & OKnice by Darren Sipity from his new EP



"Scuba Steve" prod by Cloutlord on his new album Under the Act

"Perspective" prod by Hoopaloop

 Play on other Services 


Over South

Produced by TZ1
Artwork by Ricardo Levins Morales


Southside Looking In 

Produced by Mike the Martyr.
Artwork by Ricardo Levins Morales


Dang Ol EP (made on The Breaking Even Tour) 

Cold Sweat, Jantzonia, Ben Buck, Manny Phesto
Art by Tom Hadlich
 (it's on all other services too)